Adding a New User to the Strongbox Portal

Administrator users can invite new users to the Strongbox Portal

  1. Administrator users can log in to the Strongbox portal and access the “User Management” link in the option menu in the upper right. managinguserrole1
  2. On the User Management page, click the Add button on the right.addingnewuser2-2
  3. In the add user dialog box enter the information for each user you wish to add.
    1. First Name, Last Name, and Email address
    2. Then click the Add button (you can add multiple users this way).
    3. When done adding users to invite click the Invite New Users button.
  4. The users you entered will receive an email invitation to your Strongbox portal. 


  • This new invitation will also expire in 48 hours.
  • If they do not receive the invitation email, confirm that the email is an accepted contact and is not blocked by a spam filter.